Tree Removal, Trimming & Pruning in Myrtle Beach

by… Timber Tree Service

Tree Removal

Timber Tree Service Myrtle Beach will remove any type of trees. With over 30 years experience our qualified and insured technicians will remove your trees safely while avoiding bodily harm or loss of property. Guaranteed!

Pruning, Trimming & Shaping Tree Services

 Tree pruning, trimming and shaping in Myrtle Beach and the surrounding Coastal Carolina areas is a wonderful business adventure. Here along the Carolina coast we enjoy beautiful Palm Trees including Queen Palms, Windmill Palms, Pindo and Jelly Palms, Sabal Palmetto Palms, treasured Live Oaks, Crape Myrtles and many more fantastic and beautifully decorative trees.

Our 30 plus years experience in trimming and shaping these wonderful trees assures you the health of your trees is never compromised, your landscape is beautiful and your curb appeal the envy of your neighbors.

Call Timber Tree Service Myrtle Beach today for a FREE ESTIMATE.


 Palm Tree – Live Oak – Pine – Oak Trees – Crape Myrtle

We do them all!